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Poverty is not the only problem of economic inequality in terms of income and living standards but it is also related to social inequality, namely education. It is undeniable that the issue of poverty is one of the main factors that cause the education gap in our country. Although various governments have always taken the initiative in curbing this problem but poverty still plagues our society today.













if we look more deeply many of rural residents preferring use in the interior oriented primary economic activities using traditional methods. They are not abvle to earn much income through the traditional economic sector and indirectly this situation will approach those who include the education of children. Children who do not study, they do not succeed, those who study anywhere, because, the family can not, cover the time, school. This is very necessary for the need for basic necessities that are more important for life. For example food clothing shelter and so on are an irreducible element in their life.Therefore, the education of children has been neglected and subsequently sacrificed in this regard. This has directly caused the education gap to occur in the interior. In addition, poverty creates educational problems between urban and rural areas. The distance between their place of residence and the regular school is very long. This situation has made it difficult for students to go to school. Lack of consumption due to poverty makes it difficult for students to learn. Children of parents are willing to give up their children's educational opportunities for the safety of the child.













These children had to work at an early age starting when they're six years old to helps general family income. These children will work earlier than their supposed age to go to school to receive an education that follows their physical and psychological development. As a result, children who drop out of education are from among children from hardcore poor families. This is because the poverty of families and poorly educated parents contribute to the perception of these homeless children that the economic constraints of the family will restrict them from achieving their ambitions and they have no hope in pursuing their ambitions. Thus, poverty has invited the problem of education gap as many children of the nation have fallen victim to the mornings of poverty and neglected education.




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